Corporate Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is closely linked with the principles of sustainable development. We believe that enterprises should make decisions based on financial factors like profits or dividends as well as the immediate and long-term social and environmental consequences of their activities.

Care for all Stakeholders

We strive to organize our business processes in a socially responsible, ethical, and transparent manner. We demonstrate a commitment to respecting the interests of and being responsive to every stakeholder, indesign contractors, suppliers, and society, creating value for all of them. 


We also promote transparency, providing the stakeholders with a glimpse into our sourcing practices and supplier relationships. We ensure that all our suppliers are vetted for compliance with all the stringent regulations and norms in the industry. 

Customer Value

Besides, to add value to our customer proposition, we have set up an Independent Approved Customer Application Development Center, which is equipped with advanced testing facilities. It aims to support our customers and connect them with everchanging polyurethane development and testing requirements. 

R&D Centers

As the leading polyurethane manufacturing company, we are dedicated to discovering new opportunities to innovate polyurethane products. That's why we are developing an independent, world-class R&D Center for the development of new polyurethane products and processes. 


We direct our investments on energy-efficient technologies to help reduce our carbon footprint and implement proper waste management strategies to ensure responsible waste disposal.


Our ultimate goal is to create a safe workplace environment because our employees' health is our top priority. We ensure this by meeting all the rigorous workplace regulations, investing in high-tech and advanced technology, and employing training programs. We value diversity and foster an inclusive workplace that celebrates differences and promotes equality.

Zero Waste Programs

Polytek Synergy Limited is one of the few polyurethane manufacturing companies to consume almost every incoming packaging material through our in-house recycling program. These incoming packages, which are either in the form of right or flexible, are segmented, segregated, and then pelletized into reusable polymers.

Education and Training Programs

Polytek Synergy Limited's strength lies in our people. We consistently promote our employees' knowledge, skills, and abilities through education and training programs. We organize group training programs and team-building exercises to create a highly provided environment.